Vagnetti Family: Proud Grand Palm Residents - Neal Communities
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Vagnetti Family: Proud Grand Palm Residents

Friday, August 24, 2018  |  Good Letters

Mr. Neal,

I want to thank you for your continued efforts to promote the 2050 plan of which Grand Palm Community is a model.

Recently my husband and I attended a meet the candidate forum on Venice island and much was said about fertilizer run off, wet lands protection, etc. and the efforts and necessity of more 2050 developments to address that. I came away feeling very proud to live in Grand Palm and grateful for your efforts. I respect the policies of the plan and witness your efforts to follow those policies. It gives me comfort to know that although I cannot necessarily make a grand gesture myself in this direction, I can be supportive of my developer’s commitment and encourage other members of my community to be supportive as well.

Thank you!

Jeanne Vagnetti

Okaloosa Villa resident

Hope inspires the good to reveal itself. E. Dickinson